Booking system for travel planning operators
With TravelBook, you can book charter, bus, flight, train, car, hotel, excursions, and much more.
TravelBook has been on the market since 1991 and has many outstanding references from tour operators in Scandinavia.
We offer TravelBook to both large and small tour operators and travel agencies. For smaller tour operators and travel agencies, TravelBook is a very affordable option as no large investment is required. The system can grow in step with your company's development as you progress in your business and offer more options.
Of course, we also offer our system to larger operators. Today, we have several large organizers who book several thousand trips each week and use TravelBook to get it done.
TravelBook has several additional modules that can be plugged in as your company grows and needs more functionality.
If you have customized needs, don’t hesitate to ask how TravelBook can help fill your need.